Projects we collaborate with
Here you can find out about the projects with which we collaborate, find out about the initiatives and activities that coincide with the projects.
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O projeto Solo a Solo é um projeto da ZERO – Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável que pretende promover a compostagem em Portugal junto da população, das escolas e com os municípios. A compostagem é um dos melhores caminhos para a redução e aproveitamento dos resíduos, para a redução das emissões e para atingirmos a sustentabilidade.
SMILE - Sintra Motion & Innovation for Slow Emissions, is a proposal by the consortium led by the Aga Khan Foundation in partnership with CM Sintra, DST Solar, Innovation Point, Watt-is, Card4b, IrRADIARE, the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and the International Development Norway Association, which aims to promote the development of innovative technological solutions by creating a living laboratory in the Tabaqueira district as a test center for mitigating carbon emissions.
Its aim is to implement significant improvements in the Tabaqueira neighborhood in terms of the generation and use of renewable sources of electricity in buildings, sustainable urban mobility and circular economy practices.
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Sintra Town Council is launching a new version of the digital game "Sintra AmbiQuiz", aimed at the 2nd and 3rd cycles of Sintra's schools, and for the first time at secondary schools and senior universities, which also allows any national school to take part for fun.
Sintra AmbiQuiz is a game with educational content centered on environmental issues, whose challenges will be based on sets of questions integrated into a board game or a "battle" of knowledge.
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The Summer School under the Erasmus+ project CL4BIO - Creative Learning for boosting bio-economy within HEIs' curricula took place in Aveiro between September 6 and 8. The University of Aveiro (UA) is one of the five partners in the CL4BIO project. The Summer School, which had the collaboration of the Nautical Section (Rowing) of the Clube dos Galitos de Aveiro, was attended by 30 students from Portugal, Poland and Italy.
The CL4BIO project ( aims to prepare students for society's current challenges, in the knowledge that solving them requires professionals who can think quickly and work as part of a team. Creativity plays a fundamental role in this context. It is a unique characteristic of the human essence, a social and emotional ability that allows us to generate new ideas, innovative and original solutions. Each and every one of us can develop this ability, which sets us apart through the possibility of generating ideas, perspectives, solutions and analyzing situations.