We are conducting an opinion survey among citizens over 16 years old about the habits of residents in the Sintra municipality in the parishes of União de Freguesias de Sintra and União de Freguesias de Massamá e Monte Abraão regarding the collection of urban waste.
This questionnaire takes place within the i4efficiency project (Promoter: Zero Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável, with Sintra City Hall as one of the partners).
Os resultados deste inquérito serão utilizados unicamente no âmbito do projeto, nesse sentido, para que o projeto seja bem-sucedido a sua colaboração é imprescindível.
Your participation in this questionnaire is voluntary. If you decide to participate in this questionnaire, you may leave at any time. There are no right or wrong answers in this questionnaire. Your answers will be treated confidentially. To help protect your confidentiality, the questionnaires do not contain information that can identify you personally.